Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends was premiered on September 12 1981 and last aired on September 10, 1983. An animated series produced by Marvel Productions Ltd starring characters from Marvel Comics, Spider-Man and Iceman which also introduced the character Firestar to complete the group. The series is follows Spider-Man as he forms close friendship with the two superheroes, Iceman and Firestar. They group together and known as The Spider Friends, who battle crime in New York. DVD SPECS Video Format: Normal Screen Special Features: None Menu's Yes (Interactive Menu for quick and easy episode selection) Commercials: None Language Tracks: English Subtitle Tracks: None Rating: Not Rated Region Code: 0 (Region-Free - Plays Worldwide) DVD Format: Format-Free DVD-R (Plays in both PAL and NTSC DVD players) FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE, ITEM WILL SHIP WITHIN 48 HOURS OF PAYMENT